It's always a challenge buying presents for my family at Christmas because they are all so different and they never know what they want! So, this year I decided to put my thinking cap on and using the skills I have, make the presents. Here are my crafty ventures...
For my sister and brother in law...

I made a pair of birds from a pair of socks, a coat toggle and then I knitted legs and scarves! I also embroidered little hearts onto the wings to just add a final detail.

They're both keen gardeners so I bought some terracotta pots and some blackboard paint. I made a couple of stencils and then painted the shapes onto the pots and to finish off the present I bought some chalk and decorated the box. The idea is that you plant something and write its name on the front of the pot! Nifty!
For my Granny...

I made a set of 3 heart shaped lavender bags for her drawers and wardrobe and tied them together with a piece of ribbon.
And for my Mum...

A red knitted scarf

And a handmade bag with edible goodies in it for when she's had a hard day at work.
I'm pretty chuffed with the finished products and I think they went down pretty well too!